Greetings! I'm Jian-rong ZHANG (张健荣).
你好! / Hello! / Bonjour! / 안녕하세요! / こんにちは! / Здравствуй! / Guten Tag! / Hola! / Ciao! / السلام عليكم!
I’m a first year Ph.D. student in University of Technology Sydney, supervised by Prof. Yi Yang.
Prior to that, I received my M.S. degree in College of Computer Science and technology, Jilin University. I received my B.E. in College of Software, Jilin University in 2020. During my time at Jilin University, I was fortunate to have internships at Baidu Research (working with Prof. Guodong Guo), SenseTime, and Tencent AILab (working with Dr. Xi Shen).
Contact me via:
Mail: Jianrong.Zhang[AT] or zhangjrjlu[AT] or zhangjrjlu[AT]
What's new:
[10/2024] I was awarded Google PhD Fellowship 2024.
[10/2024] One paper accepted to TOMM.
[12/2023] One paper accepted to AAAI 2024.
[04/2023] Our paper accepted to IJCAI 2023.
[03/2023] I will join ReLER Lab at UTS this fall as a Ph.D. student, advised by Prof. Yi Yang !
[02/2023] Our paper T2M-GPT: Generating Human Motion from Textual Descriptions with Discrete Representations was available on arXiv (accepted to CVPR 2023).
[06/2022] I join Tencent AI Lab as a research intern, I will work with Dr. Xi Shen in computer vision!
[04/2022] Our work on semi-supervised semantic segmentation was accepted by IJCAI 2022 (Long oral). [PDF]
[03/2022] I join SenseTime as a research intern.
[07/2021] I am a research intern at Baidu Research, supervised by Prof. Guodong Guo.
[07/2020] I received my B.E. degree from the College of Software, Jilin University.
[01/2020] I will intern at Didi Chuxing as an Algorithm Engineer.